Sunday 16 November 2008

Hypnopaedic Creation - Brave New World

HYPNOPAEDIA: Hypnopædia is used throughout the novel to condition children into certain societal standards, predetermined for their apparent benefit. By November 21st, you will need to use movie maker, photo story, or animoto to compose your piece of hypnopaedia. It need only be one statement. It need not be more than a minute, but you must post it on your blog and write a paragraph explaining its powerful suggestion. If you would rather simply use a crude collage method of glue, scissors, paper, crayons, marker etc. That is fine. Just photograph your collage with a digital camera and make sure you post it to your blog. Please have this posted to your blog by November 21st, 2008. Please do your best to make sure yours is original. Here are a few from the novel to get your gears turning.

"Everyone belongs to everyone else."
"A gram is better than a damn."
"When the individual feels, the community reels."
"Particulars make for virtue and happiness; generalities are intellectually necessary evils. Not philosophers but fretsawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society."
"Never put off till tomorrow the fun you can have today."
"We always throw away old clothes. Ending is better than mending."
"The more stitches, the less riches."
"History is bunk."

Or simply consider the words on the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre -the World State's Motto:


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